
Davide Roberto is an innovative Italian percussionist and singer originally from Puglia, currently based in Rome.
He holds a degree in Musicology and wrote his graduate thesis on the history and techniques of traditional Italian frame drums (tamburello and tammorra).
Self-taught from an early age, he has also studied with notable Italian percussionist Massimo Carrano and at the Scuola di Musica Popolare del Testaccio and Percento Musica in Rome.
He attended the MusicaNova Association on Musical training course for children aged 0-5.
He is certified as a Drum Circle Facilitator with the training course of the VMC Drum Circle Facilitator Training by Harshil Filippo Chiostri.
Sound engineer with certification recognized by Absonant Training Center (Rome).
He is dedicated to performing and teaching diverse styles of world music, folk music, and jazz; his broad repertoire has seen him partecipating, with his projects and famous artists, including helping to organize the prestigious "Suoni del Mediterraneo" Festival in Andria, a UNESCO-sponsored event.
He has played with: Progetto Migala, Tarantella Underground, Senzaterra, Progetto Satyria, Fratelli Semeraro, Domenico Celiberti, Annamaria Bagorda, Massimiliano Felice, Rino Inchingolo (former member of Officina Zoè), Marcello Piccioni, Nando Citarella and Tamburi del Vesuvio, Companion of the Popular Ballet directed by Roberta Parravano, Beppe Capozza, Reza Mohsenipour, Hamid Mohsenipour, Solmaz Peymaei, Babak Taghikhani, Gabriele Panico and Popoli Orchestra (which included Alla Bua, Redi Hasa - Cello Notte Della Taranta, Antonio Marra - Drummer Notte Della Taranta, etc ...), Tomma Tommë (with Massimiliano Morabito), Davide Conte (Scantu De Core), Gabriele Caporuscio , Marco Madana Rufo, Maria Serena De Masi, Gianluca Zammarelli, Walter Silvestrelli, Fabio Guandalini, Lavinia Mancusi, Luigi Ferracci, Sherif Fares, Evandro Dos Reis, Coletivo Do B igode, Andrea Marchesino, Mephitis Ensemble, Marta Dell'Anno, Sara Marini, Paola Bivona, Pietro Nicosia, Mario Pio Mancini, Maurizio Catania, Indaco, Unnaddarè, etc ...
In Summer 2017 he plays for Pop Star Madonna's Birthday.
He is a founding member of the band Progetto Migala, which focuses on the diverse influences that make up the traditional music of southern Italy; their album World 'n' Folk Music (2014) won the "Battle of the Bands" contest at the World Music Network in the UK. He is also currently involved with the musical project Zafarán (United States - Italy), Paola Bivona (Tuscany), Zenìa Folk Immaginario (Rome), Indaco, Unnaddarè, Tarantrád and Gimbo Musica (Rome).
An avid freelancer in Italy's capital city, he frequently performs with a number of ensembles as well as teaching private percussion lessons and leading drum circles. Also active in teaching percussion online (Skype, Zoom, etc ...).